- Include keywords in your URL
- Dont use superlong URLs full of query strings and vars. the less the better.
- Use title, keywords and description meta-tags on the header of your html code.
- Keyword tips (google ignores them?):
- put the keywords in order of importance.
- less is better.
- use lowercase words.
- use only important words.
- no need to make similar sentences with same keywords, no comas are needed to separate those words. If you need special combinations use quote signs then.
- First thing appearing within the [html] tag should be a text, place the images later in the code.
- Use your primary keywords on the beginning of your text (or at least first paragraph) on your main page.
- Place alt tags with your keywords on the images.
- Write porper links, dont use meaningless links such "here" or "this link".
- In the links that come to your site for a certain key phrase - you need thoses links [alt] tag to be your keywords.
- Make sitemaps.
- Make footers with your contact detail in every page on your site.
Create a sitemap linking the most important pages on your website and keep you code clean and tidy(valid your code using w3c validator) to make the search engines an easier life (even a beeing digital and virtual they have a life).
When you are done remember to submit your site in the most important search engines:
google , bing and yahoo.
Here is a list with most of the popuplar search engines. And create some accounts from twitter and other social networks such facebook or linkedin to get lots of traffic toyour site.
I think that might be all. Am I missing something?