Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Registering as Apple iOS Developer

Hello guys I went through hell of creating a new account , registering as iOS developer and setting up my first AIR app. So this steps are valid for Adobe AIR it might be useful for more people).

I was writing these steps while I was doing them but I did some wrong so I had to erase many steps and start again from some point....  I think I have fixed the list now.

You can follow the steps. If there is something wrong or missing, let me know.

  1. Make an apple account
  2. Register as developer
  3. Pay £60
  4. Wait for a bit.
  5. Get stuck in a loop. (I need to register but I am already registered)
  6. Ask for help? Doesn't work as I need a mac.
  7. Got a mac, carry on.
  8. [OSX] Create CSR: "certificateSigningRequest.certSigning" from KeyChain Access (MORE INFO HERE)
  9. [developer.apple.com] Create a certificate for 'iOS - App developent'. Uploading the file from previous step. And download the certificate file.
  10. [OSX] Convert it to P12 using the keychain access in OSX. (you will need this file when testing to the device and also you need another different P12 for publishing)
  11. [developer.apple.com] Create the app ID following these steps:http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/packaging-air-apps-ios.html
  12. [developer.apple.com] VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT ADD THE PREFIX AIR. to the App ID. I found that in some websites and that is wrong.
  13. [iTunes software]. Connect the phone and copy de UID (click on serial number)
  14. [developer.apple.com] Register a new device.
  15. [developer.apple.com] Create a new provisioning Profile. Development for testing.
  16. [developer.apple.com] You will need to tick who's going to be testing and where. Then download a .mobileprovision file.
  17. [WINDOWS / OSX] Set up flash develop or whatever you use.
  18. Compile using Ad-Hoc or testing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice recopilation

I changed step 7 for

7a. Install VirtualBox
7b. Download iatkos ml2
7c. Create OSX Virtual Machine
7d. Upgrade in App Store and install Mavericks
7e. VM USB not working, google to fix it
7f. Realice you used wrong format for VM, goto 7c and repeat with the correct format
7g. Install Xcode and test usb connection
7h. It works! Continue to 8